Welcome here! |
Dear visitor,
welcome to the opening of my genealogical webmag "qoqa.de". - QUAE ORIGO? QUI ANTECESSOR? -
This webmag shall appear twice a year. Pre-condition is my health.
I beg your pardon for my freaky Google English. But I have tried to correct it.
You receive an overview about 2/3 of my data base at TNG Network. Still I don't know, why my Truckenbrodt datas aren't in the gendex file. I will solve the problem. There the persons are isolated and the data sets are characterized by my name Wolfgang Appell. You find the family connections in the data base.
I work here completely alone, i.e. I hope, that the one or another of you will publishing his genealogical story at my site. In this case it could be possible to appear with "qoqa.de" four times a year. The remuneration for such doing could be a free login to my database for one year. More I havn't to offer, therefor my database all the more.
My database contains currently 62 000 persons in 22 000 families. And it will expanded permanently. What do you find in my database?
The most important at first! Here you find the most comprehensive Luther-Genealogy, that ever was created. Currently the database contains 42 000 descendants, relatives and congeners of the reformator D. Martin Luther. Nearly all three books of the German Lutherid-Union I have entered. A small residual will follow the next months. But in my database you can find twice as much descendants of the Luther family as in the Lutherid-Books.
The database is holding some surprises, I will report about it in the next issues of "qoqa.de" . There is stuff for years.
What is the database holding still? Of course, all Truckenbrodt-genealogies as hitherto and also here I will try to develope more this genealogies. Last of all the database contains the genealogy of my own family.
But "qoqa.de", that isn't only a database. You find among the topical articles about the content of my database other genealogical articles too.
The contents of my site truckenbrodt-ahnen.de I have taken on here as a matter of course. Furthermore I plan to publish genealogical facilities for both beginners and advanced genealogists.You are invited genial to help me, especially I will publish this webmag in English too.
I will underline expressly, in essence I draw on the research project of Günter Luther (deceased), on his books and on his correspondence with another Luther genealogist. I want to leverage his knowledges (see the article about Johannes Luther).
Who is now this "I"? My name is Wolfgang Appell and I'm a teacher at the "Realschule Ebermannstadt", but I live in Erlangen. Therefore my way to school adds up to 33 km. I teach math, economics, bookkeeping and social science for K5 till K10. Beside "qoqa.de" I carry on a math site www.spasslernen.de and a site for Bavarian postal history www.bayernsammler.de.
You could presume, I dissipate my energies, but finally I'm successful, in some way.

per aspera ad astra, orrr?
Johannes Luther, the first born son of the Reformator, had three sons and one daugther? Yes! |
Since centuries there are rumors, speculations, clues, allegations, news and trouble about, if Johannes Luther had sons or not. Probable I will cause a violent quarreling with this article.
The last catfight, like you can see here, isn't still finished, even if the German Lutherid-Union believe in this. It has started nearly 20 years ago and happened between Mr. Günter Luther and the Lutherid-Union . Please use the link to read up on this union. Here you are allowed to be a member only, if you are a descendant or a relative beside of the reformator. So no misunderstandings arise, I appreciate exceedingly the labor and endeavors of this union. Without the Lutherid-Union this site would be piecemeal.
Mrs. Friedel Damm, with her three books "The descendants of D. Martin Luther and Katharina von Bora" - "The relatives beside of D. Martin Luther" and "The congeners of D. Martin Luther", has done a very good job. For all, that arrive new at the Luthergenealogy, Mrs. Damm is the genealogist of the Lutherid-Union. But she has neglected culpably the possibilities of the internet. The medium book is not really the adequate medium to publish a database, that are subject to supplements all the time.
Great thank to Mrs. Damm and to all, that before her have done a hard and expensive job for the Luthergenealogy.
continued on page 2
The Family Life of the Lutherfamily |
Verum verbum dei:"At the beginning of all things we have to determine, if our lore is in truth the Word of God. If that is established, then we can be sure, that the lore will remain and must remain, and no devil shall overthrow it. Praise the Lord; our lore is the Word of God and therefore I have banished all other sets of belief in the world, whichever it may be, from my heart.
"Verum verbum dei" that is the field text of Luther. I have taken this excerpt from the book: "Luthers after-dinner speeches", publisher Faber & Faber, Leipzig 2003.
Veit Dietrich notes at one of Luthers after-dinner speeches: Me privata tantum premunt, at first I have interest for personal matters.
continued here... |
The Reading in old Parish Registers
Part 1 |
Who as interested layperson wants to read in old parish registers and documents, must take the trouble to learn the old scripts and to acquire knowledge about the writing usages in the different centuries. For this there are many good books and I don't want here to add another. But I will try to afford an interactive learning of the old scripts for you.
here you come to the start... |
Sources for the Luthergenealogy Part 1 |
In this article I list all sources for the Luthergenealogy, that Günter Luther has noted in his books.
here you come to the start... |
The Ancestors of Katharina von Bora - a Legend of the Lutherid-Union |
Mr. Liebehenschel, 1st assessor in the Lutherid-Union, has discovered alleged great news about the ancestors of Katharina von Bora and published. Jürgen Wagner contradicts energetically those "new cognitions". This article was published in "Familienkunde in Mitteldeutschland" [= genealogy of central Germany], booklet 3, July - September 2006 FFM 47. volume.
I publish this article here completely with all notes about the sources, because I mean it is very important for the Luthergenealogy. The Lutherid-Union has accused Günter Luther wrongly of doing fakes about Johannes Luther and here Mr. Liebehenschel, highly lauded by the Lutherid-Union, creates a legend.
here you come to the start... |